I HATE SNOW...in the best possible way. It's not so much the snow I'm hating on right meow, more the weather I suppose. It's slightly aggravating when you're trying make a living based on snow...and IT'S NOT THERE!!! I'm not the first or the last to feel this way, so I apologize for venting just then, but I I need some outlet, right? Don't want to go clinically insane just yet.
If anyone is in the mood to see some actual snow, check out the recent article of Freeheellife.com about Europe, those guys aren't having such a rough go this year so far...
Went to check out 'Superbad' at the Dollar Theater last night...wow. I wish I had someone else there with me, so that I didn't have to laugh at all the terribly awkward humor on my own. Definitely worth $1.50 though. And hey, tonight = $1 bowling, so things are slowly looking up, just got to keep finding cheap fun shit to keep me entertained, and everything will be OK.
If anyone is in the mood to see some actual snow, check out the recent article of Freeheellife.com about Europe, those guys aren't having such a rough go this year so far...
Went to check out 'Superbad' at the Dollar Theater last night...wow. I wish I had someone else there with me, so that I didn't have to laugh at all the terribly awkward humor on my own. Definitely worth $1.50 though. And hey, tonight = $1 bowling, so things are slowly looking up, just got to keep finding cheap fun shit to keep me entertained, and everything will be OK.
I think the lack of snow is gonna get to me here soon...I'm going home to Colorado tomorrow, they don't have any snow...I'm in Utah right now, we don't have any snow...sounds like Europe might be pulling a fast one, apparently Stubaier, Austria just got about 7 feet, so at least someone's got something going for them.
I've been off the road for about a week now. I wouldn't mind still being out there, but I'm just ready to start skiing. Plain and simple. I'm actually going to this weekend!! I'm gonna go catch up with the CRMS Tele Team and we're gonna go schralp at Copper and Vail from the sounds of things.
I can't wait...I'm in the mode...we'll see what happens.
I've been off the road for about a week now. I wouldn't mind still being out there, but I'm just ready to start skiing. Plain and simple. I'm actually going to this weekend!! I'm gonna go catch up with the CRMS Tele Team and we're gonna go schralp at Copper and Vail from the sounds of things.
I can't wait...I'm in the mode...we'll see what happens.

So I made it to Durango...got a killer night's sleep on the Continental Divide coming out of New Mexico. Oddly enough, this is my first time to Durango. I should've been here lots seeing as how I'm from Carbondale, but somehow it's escaped me. This town is good...definitely reminds me of home with more streets. The people are low key for the most part, and the setting is beautiful.
I stayed with an old friend from high school, definitely rad to see where people take their lives. This was originally the only school I applied to, and I definitely see myself fitting in here. Oh well...
I'm pretty amped because this morning I completed my first mitten!!! I've spent years wondering how one would go about completing one of these, and it's so simple that I feel ridiculous for not having seen it before. Anyhow, a whole new world awaits me...in terms of crocheting, that is.
I'm a little sad that there is a lack of snow, one would expect Southern Colorado to be getting a little something by now...we'll just all have to keep our fingers crossed I suppose.

Well all, keep it real, I'm off to Crested Butte after tonight, expect more before too much time passes...
Down South...
I just rolled in to Albuquerque...I've never been here before, so I had no idea what to expect. I've really only seen pictures of the southwest, there are some things that I would've expected, and some that I wouldn't. Driving through northern New Mexico was an eye-opener...everyone should see the area that the natives have basically been forced into. I've been through some reservations before, but this was a different experience.
I slept in Moab last night, haven't been there in a couple of years...it was nice to wake up there, even if I didn't really get to spend any time there. The sunrise was gorgeous, I'll be able to post some pics later on.
I'm hanging out right meow with the guys from TwinTip Nation at the New Mexico Snow Show...they were kind enough to offer me some booth space to get things going. These guys are cool, they're the only dedicated freeride shop in the Southwest, and they're amped on what they're doing, as are the chitlins. Hopefully we'll be able to connect with them a little more in the future.
People are filing out as I sit here and write, getting some funny looks...so I'll take that as my cue. Thanks for checking in...
I slept in Moab last night, haven't been there in a couple of years...it was nice to wake up there, even if I didn't really get to spend any time there. The sunrise was gorgeous, I'll be able to post some pics later on.
I'm hanging out right meow with the guys from TwinTip Nation at the New Mexico Snow Show...they were kind enough to offer me some booth space to get things going. These guys are cool, they're the only dedicated freeride shop in the Southwest, and they're amped on what they're doing, as are the chitlins. Hopefully we'll be able to connect with them a little more in the future.
People are filing out as I sit here and write, getting some funny looks...so I'll take that as my cue. Thanks for checking in...
Well, we pulled into SLC yesterday after the long ass drive from Tahoe...it wouldn't have been nearly so depressing if the smog from the valley didn't reach well over an hour west of town. Oh well.
Tahoe was fun...I enjoy hanging out with Ty more and more, his family's super cool. We got to see some great people at the Squaw show, and the South Lake show was chock full of kids that walked away yelling and smiling, the ultimate reaction.
Just trying to get some rest before the next leg of this ridiculous adventure...turns out I will be heading out on the road all by my lonesome for a while...Josh and Erica will not be joining my on the last leg of the western tour, Albuquerque, Durango and Crested Butte. It'll be sweet though, just do some cruisin' on my own, you know, figure out how life works, solve the great existential problems of our generation, cure some rare diseases...the usual fare.
After that, things'll be heating up around here big time...spend some time with some peeps, check in at home, gear up for the season of seasons, and ust generally try to be rad.